
Nanna’s CWA craft

We’ve spent the weekend moving the upstairs furniture in, so no sewing time for me (although I have a bag cut out ready to go).  However, I do have this lovely old box that my Nanna made many years ago.

Nanna was an active member of many community groups, and among them was the CWA.  They used to get together regularly and do different craft activities.  This box was made from an old National bank calendar, according to my Mum.  I don’t know how old it would be, but I suspect that it is quite old.  All that work to join the pieces together, let alone to cut them all out!  They’re plasticised on each side – probably old shirt box lids, I suppose!

Nanna used hers to keep her hankies in – I am now doing the same!  I like the crafty link across the generations, and wish that I’d spent more time with Nanna learning from her.  I remember some of the less attractive crafts, such as flowers made from panty-hose, but most were great!  Nanna used to make christmas tree decorations by beading polystyrene balls, did basket weaving, and the sewing box that I am using is one that she made and gave me when I was in my early teens.

If anyone has any idea about patterns for these types of boxes, please let me know!  I’d love to be able to give one a try (although it does look very fiddly).