planned projects, sewing, sewing room, work in progress

Cot quilts finished – yay!

I have FINALLY completed the four cot quilts I was making from vintage chenille – I patched them together, did some applique, then backed it with flanelette and used a layer of pellon inbetween.  I am quite pleased with the finished results (and will post photos later) although I can’t claim credit for the idea – there seem to be lots of chenille patchwork quilts around on eBay at the moment, although I got the idea from the one I bought at the Daylesford market about eight years ago!  Clare really loves it, so I thought that I’d better make another for the new bub – and ended up making four!  I’ll give one to cousin Sally for her new baby girl, and will decide on which we’ll keep and which other to gift once I’ve had this one. 

 My other sewing has all been inside my head – lots of planning going on, but not much actual sewing.  I’ve also been doing lots of mental sewing room planning, as it won’t be long now until the renovations are complete and I have a huge sewing room with amazing cupboards to put everything in!  The other time-waster (is it a waste?) has been blog-surfing on the net and building up an ever-growing wishlist on Amazon for craft/sewing books.  And I’d love to figure out just how to get my hands on some of those beautiful Japanese craft and sewing books and magazines!

Off to my nephew’s birthday party now – no time to sew, let alone blog!