bags, planned projects, work in progress

Hello world!

Hi there family & friends & anyone else who could possibly be interested!

 So, here is my first blog post!  I recently discovered craft and sewing blogs (and love the way that one leads to another and another and another . . . ) so here I am finally starting my own!  I’ll try to concentrate on sewing and craft, but am likely to digress as much in writing as I do in the spoken word.

So, I still need to find out how to link to other posts and websites, but I’ll get there!  While not completely technologically inept, I’m not quite geeky enough to be good at this yet.  Another thing to learn (and another thing to waste my minimal free time on).

So, a starting point!  Since I mainly started this blog to share with the sewing and crafting communities, I’ll start with some projects I’ve been working on (or am planning t0 work on).  I’ll need to work out flickr or something like that to get the photos happening as well!

I’ve just started making bags.  First one was a chenille bag, made with gorgeous vintage chenille from Polka Dot Chenille on Australian eBay, followed by a couple of others in Amy Butler and Michael Miller fabrics.  I’ve finally found a shop nearby that sells these beautiful prints!  I can tell where my money is going to vanish to, but I’m still envious of the readily available fabrics and trims in the USA – it is so much more limited here.  I probably need to buy more online!  Lucky for me, I’ve also just become a bag tester for a friend Nikki who designs bags.  I really enjoyed the process of following a new pattern through and really concentrating so I could give good feedback.  Her shop is at if anyone is interested!

Now to get onto finishing the four (!) patchwork chenille quilts (only cot-sized) that I have recently pieced and appliqued.  I only need to sew on the batting and backing, so should have done it by now! 

I also have a tub full of other projects to do – including two aprons for daughter Clare (she’s 4), pyjamas, a blouse for me (cut out 2 years ago) and a dress for Clare.  Not to mention the embroidered dress I haven’t started, yet more bags, other crafty items, and hopefully soon more clothes for me!  Baby number 2 is due in May, so I won’t need new clothes in a hurry.

Thats probably enough for now!  I’d better go and work out what to do with photos, links, etc.  Until next time!